Search and You Shall Find in My World

28 August 2007

Artworks by B. Stewart

This guy is really cool. She is Australian I think. I love her artworks! Especially that last painting where she comically (for me) depicted Australians. Bravo!


Briony Stewart said...

Hi there Edik,
My name is Briony Stewart. A friend recently found your post while googling my name. Thank you for your comments! I was wondering though if you could edit this post? Could you change the name to B.Stewart instead? I still like these illustrations, but as I now illustrate children's books I would rather they not come up if children google, "Briony Stewart." They are not really for children! If you could change that for me I would very much appreciate it. :) Thanks, Briony

Unknown said...

Whoah! Thanks for the visit. I am greatly honored.

Editing done.