Search and You Shall Find in My World

27 March 2008

New Mac Baffles TSA

I was chuckling when I read the news over at Yahoo! Tech (read it here) when a programmer was stopped by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the transport security of the US, because he was bring with him the envelope-thin MacBook Air.

If it were in the Philippines, I am very sure the security officers would not take a second glance at the thing, considering the awesome MacBook is worthy of a second inspection. Or a third.

Maybe we Filipinos are more techie than the Americans? Or we are just so lax with our security measures we consider laptops not a security issue.

Whatever. But if I were the inspector I would loved inspecting again and again the MacBook. I am sure I won't be able to buy one in the near future. Not minding if the owner misses his flight hehehehe.

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